Areas Of Expertise

We execute our legal and contentious advising services all over the national territory, representing our clients wherever we are needed. 

Other Areas

The relationship among companies and the state authority demands specialized advising. We have an experienced and dedicated team in the administrative and economic areas, able to give legal support for the companies that develop activities with the public sector or those that are subject to a complex regulatory environment related to government agencies in strategic economic sectors, such as public acquisitions, oil and gas, roads, railways and urban mobility, among others.

Among our practices, we can highlight the following services:

Proceedings representation in contentious administrative purpose or judicial before court and first instance, and even the Court of Auditors.
Orientation and pass sentence about administrative and economic law.
Defense elaboration and procedural accompaniment before regulatory agencies.

We offer legal, consultative and contentious advice to private individual and companies in the agribusiness area, especially in the drafting of contracts area, related to property sale and purchase, leasing and rural partnership, regulatory issues involving the register, manufacture, packaging, trading, advertising, use, importation, exportation and agrotoxin and agricultural inputs control; finance, security, trading, storage and product transportation contracts analysis.

Our professionals have experience in auctions accompaniment and in land ownership issues. We respond to civil inquiry in environmental matters; we establish Conduct Adjustment Terms (TAC) and assist the property environmental management planning.

In the contentious area, we also have great experience in landholding issues involving property protection and possession discussions.

The corporate activity practice requires the observation of the established rules in the regulation that defends the free competition and, above all, the legal competition. Many companies cannot survive before the irregular competition. Legal rules infringement, however, impose serious penalties to the offenders.

Our professionals have outstanding experience in the advising of companies and investors in order to provide legal security in their operations and to demand from the competitors the following of competition rules.

Among our practices, we are diligent, among orders, in the following services:

Mergers and acquisitions operations analysis with opinion issuing.
Representation and defense in administrative proceedings to the CADE.
Complaints in economic concentration acts and dumping practice.
Leniency agreement negotiation.
Compliance antitrust program preparation.
Administrative and judicial representation in order to curb anti-competitive practices.
Due diligence to ascertain the risks and competitive liability.

Our aimed practice is the use of mediation and other alternatives to resolve the contests in order to obtain the best results for our clients. We orient them to try to avoid or compose the litigation. We follow cases full of sensitivity, importance and complexity, always acting in order to defend our clients’ interests and rights.

We count on a team specialized in non-judicial dispute-settlement schemes. We also act as the party recommended arbitrators to solve the conflicts before the councils and arbitration courts. We also act in the procedure of Foreign Arbitration Award Homologation before the Superior Court of Justice and in the execution of arbitration award in the judiciary.

The commercial and financial contractual operations demands specialized advising. We count on a board of lawyers specialized in contracts, able to assist in many different operations. Among our services, we can highlight the clients’ operations support involving:

Business hiring of movable and immovable properties sale and purchasing, leasing, rental, assignment of claims and rights, construction, built to suit, joint venture, product and real estate leasing, service provision, general supply.
Goods loan contract and granting credit.
Constitution of pledge, mortgage, fiduciary alienation, surety letters and endorsements.
Judicial and arbitration representation to solve contractual and dispute conflicts.

The adoption of corporate policies in order to prevent and suppress illegal acts is an irretrievable necessity for all those companies that intend to ensure their longevity.

To structure the formal practices of corporate ethics, we develop, among others, the following services:

Compliance preparation programs.
Ethics Code and Good Practice Guidance elaboration for administrators.
Structuring of the rules of engagement with the State authority and political players.
Internal corporate investigations advising.
Practice adjustment for the fulfillment of anti-corruption laws.

Through due diligence, we assist the purchasing companies from whom we want to collect safe information in the merger and acquisition operations with other companies. The goal is to enhance business transparency and the legal security of those who are involved, by means of a careful assessment of the negotiation conditions, the target company's actual situation, the problems the acquiring company may face, as an example, labor liabilities, among other aspects.

In order to do this work in a safe and effective way, we rely on a multidisciplinary team, connected to various Law areas, such as the Societal, Contractual, Tax, Labor and Environmental Liability, among others, and we have experience in license and authorizations acquisition and regulated areas issues.

The document organization can be done by the use of a data room, through a specialized company.

The whole process is conducted in a strategic and confidential way, containing, in the end, a detailed report that identifies and quantifies the potential business risks.

The Brazilian legal scenario makes the companies of many segments face legal issues related to the environment regulation. They are often related to high complexity issues that need a consultative and contentious advising which acts, above all, in the auditing and consulting to the environmental liability evaluation and regularization.

Our professional team has broad experience in advising companies during the environmental risk minimization process, that are caused by their enterprises, acting especially in consultancy, studies and reports related to environment, besides sponsoring the clients representation before the environmental agencies, regulatory agencies, public prosecution and judiciary.

The fulfillment of labor legal obligations by the employing companies' demands a special legal following, in order to avoid litigation and undesirable contingencies.

We have an experienced and specialized board of professionals and we provide, among others, the following services:

General legal advising to guide the fulfillment of legal requirements.
Defense and judicial representation in disputes and procedural conflicts.
Ministry of Labor inspection accompaniment.
Elaboration and review of labor contracts of civil service employees and administrators.
Preparation of plans for profit participation.
Due diligence for mergers and acquisitions transactions.
Accompaniment of the Conduct Adjustment Agreement.
Preparation of stock option policies and executive remuneration packages.
Accompaniment and review of contractual rescission.

The companies, which own a great judicial proceedings volume in consumer, labor and civil relationships, need a differentiated accompaniment in their demands that prioritizes the agility, the control and the optimization of costs.

We have experience and structure to assist all over the national territory, through our own offices and through the management of corresponding professional partners.

Our practice involves, among others, the following services provision:

Processes monitoring all over the national territory.
The management of great processes volume.
Defense and appeal elaboration in special courts, common court, labor and PROCONs.
Audience and oral support participation in the Court.
Diagnosis and strategic orientation in order to decrease the litigation.
Use of a flexible software to integrate with the clients’ database.
Personalized reports elaboration.

Our legal team is able to attend demands from athletes, agents, clubs, federations, sport administrators authorities, investment funds and companies that act in the sports area. We have professionals able to act promptly in preventive consultancy, providing advice, opinion, corporate and labor planning that act in a tough way in litigation and conflict solutions, contractual, commercial, disciplinary and doping issues. Our practice reaches, among others, the following services:

Sporting contracts advising and reviewing, in general, to either athletes or clubs.
Participation in athletes, businessmen or clubs transactions.
Elaboration and negotiation of athletes’ image use license.
Oral support before the Sport Court.
Sports authorities and athletes representation before the Labor Court.
Advising in the sporting entity constitution.
Statute review, adjustment to the Pelé Law, Civil code and legal changes.
Propositions and administrative defense before the Sport Court, in the regional and federal levels.

We gather high-level qualification in the advisory of business and operations in the technology and intellectual property areas. For this, we advise entrepreneurial clients, media and technology companies, startups, investors, private equity funds and venture capital. Among our services, we can highlight:

The accompaniment of trademark, patents and licenses registration before the INPI, in order to guarantee copyright protection.
Licensing contracts elaboration of trade and patent use, artistic, industrial, technological or advertising.
Advising in the negotiation of royalties.
Elaboration and advising in contracts of joint venture, venture capital and private equity operations.
Advising in the funds capitation for financing projects.
Judicial representation in dispute resolutions involving intellectual property and business dissolution.

2025 © Oliveira Marques Benfica Advocacia | All rigths reserved. | Dev.  Bruno Costa